Safeway Safeway Safeway what to say about Safeway well well sometimes the bathrooms are at the cleanest but for the most part I find the staff to be extremely nice except for one time there was a manager who I had called the store first to ask if they had cinnamon Icebreaker gum I was very specific when I said gum and I didn't want the cube gum and I made that very clear I had told him that I had went to other stores looking for this and that I had called other stores looking for this and that other stores had told me that they had had it on stock but when I got to the store they actually didn't carry that exact product but the manager told me over the phone that he was looking right at it and when I got there well go figure they don't care that part either
Decent store. For some reason it smells like old fish in here. The sales are nice. Nothing outstanding. Checked out and was engaged in polite conversation. It's conveniently located with a light to exit.