Let me start by saying, I hate Sprint as a whole. I have since the first day I got their terrible service. But I hate them even more after having to spend even a second with the ass holes at this store. But since it is the only Sprint store anywhere near me that could handle the problems that I was having, I was stuck. I have been there 6+ times in less than a year, and there was only one time that I actually received decent service! It was, of course, the day that I was buying a new phone. So a commission is a great motivator for anyone to be a half way respectable and helpful person for even just a few minutes. I would caution anyone looking to switch carriers to stay away from Sprint and the pompus jerks they hire.
Let me start by saying, I hate Sprint as a whole. I have since the first day I got their terrible service. But I hate them even more after having to spend even a second with the ass holes at this store. But since it is the only Sprint store anywhere near me that could handle the problems that I was having, I was stuck. I have been there 6+ times in less than a year, and there was only one time that I actually received decent service! It was, of course, the day that I was buying a new phone. So a commission is a great motivator for anyone to be a half way respectable and helpful person for even just a few minutes. I would caution anyone looking to switch carriers to stay away from Sprint and the pompus jerks they hire.