I'll tell you how I really feel.
I have $150 sitting in your bank. Tied up in a money order drawn by your bank! I've been too two branches of your bank and been DENIED to cash it, without becoming a Wells Fargo customer first. In one instance I was denied to speak with the branch manager and security was called. No one is safe with your bank unless they own it. #Thieves #TooBigToFail #FeelTheBern
I'll tell you how I really feel. I have $150 sitting in your bank. Tied up in a money order drawn by your bank! I've been too two branches of your bank and been DENIED to cash it, without becoming a Wells Fargo customer first. In one instance I was denied to speak with the branch manager and security was called. No one is safe with your bank unless they own it. #Thieves #TooBigToFail #FeelTheBern