Love shopping at Costco. Unlike an ordinary store, I don't have to choose from 30 different types of cereal while negotiating aisles crowded with wailing children and grouchy shoppers. Part of the fun of shopping at Costco is the seasonal specials, so every trip there's something new on the shelves. The number of organic items is starting to outnumber the conventional merchandise, and the organics are priced below conventional in other stores. I have favorite foods that I can't get anywhere else. And lunch while shopping is called "samples". What's not to love?
Love shopping at Costco. Unlike an ordinary store, I don't have to choose from 30 different types of cereal while negotiating aisles crowded with wailing children and grouchy shoppers. Part of the fun of shopping at Costco is the seasonal specials, so every trip there's something new on the shelves. The number of organic items is starting to outnumber the conventional merchandise, and the organics are priced below conventional in other stores. I have favorite foods that I can't get anywhere else. And lunch while shopping is called "samples". What's not to love?